There's a lot of BUZZ going on around TELEGRAM and so we've created this article to share a bit about what it is and why you may want to use it!
Firstly, Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging (IM) service, that allows users to send multimedia (pics and videos) messages and make voice and video calls. It was launched back in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, who previously founded the Russian social network VK.
12 Reasons why you need Telegram
1. Unlimited server storage
Telegram gives you unlimited storage which means all your text messages, images, media files & documents will be saved on their cloud. You can log out and log in any number of times from any number of devices simultaneously without losing any data, and you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. You can view the active sessions and see which devices you're currently logged into, which means you can download any file any time anywhere - so cool!
As of Feb 2021, you're able to upload a single file size up to 2GB and there's no cap on the total number of files that can be uploaded.
2. Media compression
Users can choose whether to compress the image and video or send the uncompressed version.
3. Group member number capacity
As of Feb 2021, a telegram group can offer a maximum of 200,000 members. For WhatsApp 256 is the maximum member capacity in a group. That's a massive difference!
4. Username feature
You can communicate with anyone on telegram even if you don't have their contact number. (Great to ensure privacy of the user’s contact number). You can even continue to send messages in a group without revealing your phone number. I read somewhere that WhatsApp is planning on adding that feature also, but I can't find where I read it, so let's just wait and see for that!
5. Channels
A channel is similar to groups, which can accommodate an unlimited number of members. The creator of the channel decides who can post and who can view those posts.
6. Multi-platform support
Telegram is available for Android, iOs, Windows, Mac OS, and through any browser.
7. Secret chat
A chat with end to end encryption in which the messages will be automatically deleted when the timer hits. It is possibly not able to hack in any way.
8. Bots
It is a piece of program which is based on AI and machine learning at a small level. It can perform various tasks. For example, an image bot can fetch images from the name.
There are multiple types of bots. Popular bots are Image bot, sticker bot, gif bot.
9. Voice calls & Video calls
The latest version of telegram supports both voice & video calls which was missing for a long time compared to WhatsApp. The user experience of this feature in both platforms is almost the same. There is no significant difference.
10. Sends any kind of file
Users can send any kind of file through Telegram. WhatsApp limits video, images & document type files which is very difficult for a good number of users.
11. Multiple sessions
Users on telegram can log in on multiple devices at the same time and are able to receive messages on all devices.
They can remember their sessions on even browsers too. This is a cool feature.
You can keep messages in the draft as well. Suppose you are trying to send a message to another user. You typed a long paragraph and you decided to send it later. The draft message will be synced to all your devices and you can send it from another device.
12. It's free!
It's completely free and has no limitations regardless of how many messages you send or receive per day.